Local Organisations and Facilities

Thornborough has a number of active clubs, associations and organisations. All of which welcome new members and support from the community.

Sir Harry Moore Sports Field
Thornborough Parish Council bought the Sir Harry Moore Sports field for the village in 1999 from Sir Harry Moore for the use of the village in perpetuity. A volunteer workforce of local people built the sports pavilion.

Thornborough Cricket Club uses the sports field throughout the summer.

Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times on the sports field.
 Thornborough Playground

The playground on Nash Road in the heart of the village is for the younger children (under 12 years). The land for the playground was donated for the enjoyment of local children by the Hodges family. It was refurbished in 2017. The refurbishment was funded jointly by Wren’s FCC Community Action Fund, Thornborough Parish Council, and donations from village residents.

Stanley the Snail is the playground guardian. He is always on duty making sure the children are having fun and keeping safe.



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Thornborough Infant School

Thornborough Infant School is a small friendly village school for children aged four to seven years. It is situated in the heart of the village of Thornborough overlooking the village green.

 Thornborough Infant School website
St Mary's Parish Church, Thornborough
Our Grade II listed church building needs help! You can support St Mary's and help raise money simply by shopping online as you normally would via our EasyFundraising page.
St Mary's Parish Church website
Thornborough Methodist Chapel
The chapel has a central location in the village overlooking the green. It has been extended and has a large traditional worship area, lounge, kitchen and disabled toilets.
Thornborough Methodist Chapel website
Thornborough and Thornton Women's Institute
The Thornborough and Thornton Women's Institute meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome.
Women's Institute website
Thornborough Cricket Club

Thornborough Cricket Club is a small, friendly, family-oriented village cricket club fielding 2 Saturday teams, playing in the South Northamptonshire Cricket League (SNCL).

We have undergone a period of investment in the last 2 years with a new Fixed, full-sized artificial practice net, which is open for members, a Mobile practice net / cage which can be moved onto the wicket and 2 x Sight Screens.

Introducing Allstars, Dynamo’s and Junior cricket coaching sessions on Friday evenings from June to August has proved very popular with +75 youngsters (5 to 13 years) regularly attending.

We have had great success in attracting new players and an upsurge in membership in the 2021 season, but always welcome new players of all abilities.

For further information please contact John Osborn on [email protected] for further details.

Thornborough Cricket Club 
Thornborough Sports and Social Club
Thornborough Sports and Social Club was founded in 1960. In 2002, Bernard Garbe interviewed Ted Clarke about the formation of the club. This interview was transcribed and can be read at this link: The Start of the Thornborough Sports Club.
Sports and Social Club Website
Thornborough and Coombs Woodland Trust

The Thornborough and Coombs Woodland Trust was established in 2015 to preserve and enhance 168 acres of green space within Thornborough parish known as Thornborough Community Woodlands and Coombs Quarry.

The area is fully enclosed and separated from main roads and farmland by clear boundaries to provide many well signposted walking routes, which makes it a large open space that is unusually safe, particularly for dogs and children.

The Woodlands are funded entirely by its users and grant funding. Full details of the facility and how you can help by contacting us at [email protected] 

Thornborough and Coombs Woodland Trust website