Thornborough News
Thornborough News is distributed free of charge to all households throughout the parish and contains lots of useful information and articles about village life.
For more information including advertising opportunities or any delivery issues, please contact [email protected]
Thornborough eNews – Village Facebook Page
Thornborough has a dedicated Facebook page – Thornborough eNews. The page is open to Thornborough residents, local groups or friends of Thornborough. It’s a place to post news, advertise events or ask questions. We ask that people who wish to join the group or who are invited to join the group answer a qualifying question about links to the village this ensures that the content is kept local. The group is administered by three volunteer ‘admins’ who do their absolute best to ensure that Facebook posts and subsequent comments are kind and courteous to all. Bullying, poor language and/or discrimination will not be tolerated. If you would like to join the group please use the link below and answer the qualifying question re what are your links to the village.